Biblical Values

The concept of looking after the weak and vulnerable should come as no surprise to the Christian believer. To follow Jesus is to be aware of the values below and seek to live them out in daily life. YWAM’s approach to Safeguarding is modelled after the following beliefs:


Imago Dei.

Each person is made in God’s image and therefore has innate worth and is therefore worth protecting from harm.

God’s character.

God is Bringer of Justice, He is Good, He is a Protector and He ‘Safeguards’. Psalm 121.

Jesus’ example.

Jesus uses children as an example - He values them and treats them with dignity Matthew 25:31-46; Matthew 18:1-5.

Direct Command.

The Bible gives direct instruction to seek justice, correct oppression and defend the fatherless. Isaiah 1:15-17.